
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:06:56
They saw the lost boy was sleeping in the park这句话成立吗? They lost ( ) way in the park.大哥大姐帮帮偶吧 Food Safety Considerations In Sugar Production讲演标题 怎么翻译的大气到位点? transpotation safety production made in U.S.A.MAKING COMPANIES OF transpotation safety production in U.S.A. 英文key的用法×× of keyI have s×× of keys.这是一道题。帮我解一下,急用!!!!! ___ will Joe be ___ in 15 years?He will possibly be a fireman.A.How;likeB.What;likeC.What;/D.Which;like Judging people ___ their appearance is silly.A.byB.onC.withD.for 英语翻译我发现肚子有涨涨的感觉,打了几个“嗝”以后,就舒服些了,感觉有些气憋在里面. 英语翻译目的 探讨治疗肛肠病术后减轻疼痛、水肿、促进创面愈合的有效方法.方法 将516例肛肠病术后患者随机分为两组(治疗组和对照组),治疗组清洗创面后予以抗菌喷剂直接喷敷,对照 这是什么求医 The boy is lost对吗?请用be lost 造个句子 Now in my life have nothing can hit me, no can beat me, not my strong but I experienced those you may there is no experience, in front of the cruel life, we need to continue to love?是什么意思? the losing boy 和 the lost boy 有什么区别 I need your help in order to proceed with the cancelation of the balance under purchase order 42109 since the 1980s,a(an) ___Chinese family has only one child选average为什么不是common A fatanstic person什么意思丫 About us,I really had intentions什么意思 翻译"This is Tom all the above I often go to shool with ." Above the land and water _ with a depth estimated to be from 50 to 200 miles.A.a layer of air isB.will a layer of air beC.a layer of air beD.is a layer of air person 的意思 person的意思是?急 My book was lose.对还是My book is lost对?rt I've got a American friend in China.这句话哪里错了? a night person 什么意思 seller agrees that buyer may return all of the products in a container qualification 动词 de-qualification TOr翻译成词语,这个词语是什么 读一读,判断下面单词的发音一样吗?打Tor F1.sport,shorts 的or 2.like,favourite 的i 3.best ,basketball 的e 4.wear ,teach 的ea 5.store ,soccer 的s 6.go ,okay 的o 有一个单词大致是拼成 tor la rent,解释忍受的, tor是什么