X ~ N(0,1) 求 P(-1<X<1)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:32:07
X ~ N(0,1) 求 P(-1<X<1)
i often go to the bookshop near my home.(yesterday改写) because it's raining,we decide to stay at home变同义句___the_day ,we decide to stay at home.在划线处填词 美国的世界霸主地位是如何形成的? 自作多情用英语怎么说 再次自作多情,用英语怎么说啊 stayed ,she,home,and,the,at,cleaned,house,yesterday .连词成句 Do you like this movie No.It is very boring.I have no in it A poinion B time C fun D interest 为应该选哪个捏?空是no后面in前面 还有 为什么捏 赤裸裸地打脸 英文翻译 they are going to meet (at the gate of the park) 划线提问()里的 Where ________ they ___________?At the school gate.空里填will meet还是are going to meet?Where ________ they ___________?At the school gate.will meet 和are going to meet都可以吗? 孔子是我国古代伟大的教育家,他的弟子把他的言行记下编成了《 》 孔子的言行被弟子记录下来编成( )一书 Don't leave your little son alone at home.同义句转换 题目1(单选)(分值:.5) The little girl ________watching horror films alone home.1.is afraid 2.is scared of 3.is frightened 题目2(单选)(分值:.5) No students dare to ________ the headmaster because he is a strict and stern man.1.mess with 2.m 15字以下的排比句 有没有什么排比句一句是50字的,要10句. 翻译成英语:你如何看待办公室恋情 “办公室恋情”英语怎么说 找一首办公室恋情听的歌.中文英文都行 We stayed at home yesterday.属于简单句中的哪种结构?主谓 还是主谓宾 it being rainy yesterday,we stayed at home.这个句子对吗? it being rainy yesterday,we stayed at home.语法it being rainy yesterday,we stayed at home.it可删去么? form the habit ofform a habit ofform habits ofform a good habit ofform good habits of请问那个对 form the habit of dong sth 用法?如题. form the good habit of doing sth 有没有 the it is crucial to form the habit of exercising regularly.这句话最后的副词regularly为什么能用来修饰前面的动名词exercising呢?副词不是不能修饰名词之类的词吗 “I am determined to form the habit of crying alone”什么意思? B-BOX小鼓发声哪位大哥可以教一个小鼓的发音,几种发音都说一下 口技B-BOX中小鼓到底怎么发口技B-BOX中小鼓到底怎么发音啊?具体口型做法怎么样的?别发广告音啊?具体口型做法怎么样的?别发广告 Form E的作用是什么? 用一个字表达:"在哪里"?像文言文里面那种 关于表格TABLE与表单FORM 1、在table中,cellpadding和cellspacing有什么区别,请举例说明.2、在form中,method属性值分为几种,分别表示什么含义?hidden元素又是实现什么功能?3、在form中,fieldset用途是什么?