
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:48:11
"无与伦比"的英文单词是什么?请帮我注一下音标, these days most people in britain and the usa…… 小学英语作文我们的英语老师 一百年后,世界会是什么样子的?一百年后世界会变成什么样子呢,科学会发达成啥样,我想到那个时候在马路行驶的车可以在天上跑了,还可以在水里游!飞机就可以飞到别的星球上去了,还有动物 一百年后的世界会是什么样的? 想象100年前的世界是什么样子 我们所看到100光年以外的世界是他100年以前的样子吗 汉译英i am afraid you have gone to a lot of trouble If asked where I am,just say i have gone out .用anyone 还是 用someone Although she is over 40 years old ,____she looks young.A.but B.and C.so D./ He ____be over forty years old!He looks so young.A may notB can't C must not D needn't dollars are in million中文什么意思 无与伦比的英文是什么? Are we going to have the sports meeting this week?No .It's _____till next week because of bad weatThe number of teacherd in our school ___ 60 and a number of them ____ male teachers.A.is are B.are is C.am are D.be areWhat if ___ pass the English exam He l_____young!It's an o_____photo.my father is forty-three years o__now. My home is in huangshan.There are three people in my family.my father is forty-five.he ()young.heis a teacher.()students think he is a good teacher.he loves me and I love him,().my mother is a very good worker.i () in a.middle school.the school is () his father is forty and my father is forty 【同义句】My father ___ ___ ___ than his She will be paid $1 Million (One Million Dollars) in the Classic FreeLotto Game or other prizes.译文 求一首歌,名字貌似有gone这个单词,歌曲开始比较低沉,唱歌的人声音沙哑.貌似是guns n roses的歌,歌词貌似有:oh~oh~oh~my baby how beautiful.到后面歌曲升调,听起来很激动.麻烦高手告诉下名字歌曲帝 英语翻译obesity puts a drag on the wallet as well as health,especially for women.Doctors have long known that medical bills are higher for the obese in the United States,but that is only a portion of the real-life costs.George Washington Universi 合并成一句:what did you have for you breakfast?please tell me please tell me( )for breakfast括号内填3个单词 跪求英文好的人帮忙TT、因为要弄有关冷门的英语ppt、还要显示、、所以、、有关小魔女蒙娜、魔笛奇遇记、山林小猎人、我为歌狂、瑶玲啊瑶玲、Q版三国、的英文介绍、一两句即可、实在 Good Morning Good Morning 歌词 英语 请问how happy l am that l am gone 为什么不是l have gone为什么要用被动? 急求《童年》《昆虫记》选段加赏析,好的话我给他100经验值! my grandpa is old ,--he looks young .怎么写? My grandpa is too old to look after himself.(改同义句) 能否改成My grandpa isn't too young to lookafter himself.为什么,请讲原因, I saw a boy (crying( in the street yesterday (划线部分提问)—— ——you see a boy () in the street yesterday? A boy is crying next door.(对画线部分提问:A boy)5.I would like some bottles of water.(改为一般疑问句)would _________ like _______ bottles of water?6.She is a woman shopkeeper.(改为复数形式)They are __________________________ 这一句英语说的是什么意思和含义?If you did not quite grasp,is must not run the risk of doing things! DNA,RNA和蛋白质形成的主要场所是什么(以真核生物为例) 怎么上youtube英文谢了各位