
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:40:39
造句连词成句:food,bad,think,you,tasty,do,is,for,you 系动词,比如become可以有过去式,但是可不可以变成is becoming? 短文:不屈的腿 1.作者"觉得他的形象是那么高大的",理由是什么?2.概括文章的中心思想.初春的一个早晨,我来到西湖公园,四周雾茫茫.突然,一阵奇怪的脚步声由远而近.我闻声望去,朦胧中,出现 不屈的腿 初春的一个早晨,我来到西湖公园,四周雾茫茫.突然,一阵奇怪的脚步声由远而近.我闻声望去,朦胧中,出现了一个军人,上身穿退色的军绒衣,下身穿绿军裤,一条裤腿却空着.他拄着一双 不屈的腿 短文:不屈的腿 答案 1.作者“觉得他的形象是那么高大”,理由是什么? 2.概括文章的中心思想.初春的一个早晨,我来到西湖公园,四周雾茫茫.突然,一阵奇怪的脚步声由远而近.我闻声望去,朦胧 朱熹的中说明方塘的水又深又清的原因的诗句是什么 what do you think of?how do you like?what be like 的区别是什么,分别造句 Thanks you for ___(tell) us the news . I ____(write )aletter to my pen pal just now.Thanks for___(tell) us the news.Do you mind___(put) my books have?The decided____(discuss)the diffcult question. thanks for ___me the good news.(tell)这道题怎们做? 小学英语排序题( ) Oh,no!koko!you can't touch the flower ( ) The plants are becoming taller and taller .( ) Today my father gives me a rose seed.( ) I can see little leaves today.( ) I put the rose seed into the pot.( ) What a beautiful rose!I ( )This is my friend.( )Nice to meet you.( )Where are you from?( )I'm from China.( )Nice to meet you ,too.将上述句子重新排列,组成一段对话. 小学英语排序题怎么做? 为什么人要破坏大自然,大自然不是我们的母亲吗? 春秋战国时期的改革子曰 管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到今受其赐.孔子称赞管仲是因为管仲辅佐齐桓公①恢复了周礼②尊崇周王,会盟诸侯③实行初税亩④北御夷狄,南制楚蛮A12 B13 C24 D34 春秋战国时期的著名女性代表,有那几位?请列举10个春秋战国时代的著名 女性 代表,和相关事迹. 不屈的腿初春的一个早晨,我来到西湖公园,四周雾茫茫.突然,一阵奇怪的脚步声由远而近.我闻声望去,朦胧中,出现了一个军人,上身穿退色的军绒衣,下身穿绿军裤,一条裤腿却空着.他拄着一双 Many companies spend a lot of money on corporate entertaining.Do you think the money is well spent _____of money is spent on foodA.small amount B.great many分析下为什么 money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any i know of翻译 翻译:Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any Iknow of. Money spent on adventising is money spent as well as any I know of 求 中世纪2全面战争 所有历史事件发生大概时间 中世纪战争的背景(还有为什么会发生) 中世纪战争的时间 重大事件 意义何在 what about sing a song哪里错? 有关交通工具的好处的英语作文 120词 客户休假 英语如何问候他是否休假回来了 The Browns spent a large____of money on new car A.deal B.amout C.mumber D.size请问一下答案为什么不选C? Weather (permit) ________,we’ll have a picnic at the beach next Saturday.主动形式就填ing么?到底是为什么呢 《不屈的腿》50分~初春的一个早晨,我来到西湖公园,四周雾茫茫.突然,一阵奇怪的脚步声由远而近.我闻声望去,朦胧中,出现了一个军人,上身穿退色的军绒衣,下身穿绿军裤,一条裤腿却空着.他 与big的a发音相同的单词有哪些