
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:58:53
It is____that you are telling a lie.A.beautiful B.polite C.clear D.clever The lady sat there, waiting for his son 这里的wait用ing形式可不可以这样说The lady waited for hisson 所以是主动 所以用ing形式做伴随定语 这样说可以吗 This is Li lie My is( ) knagkang填空 He sat there,waited for by his mother 这里的wait为什么要用ed形式 光读出来可以判断吗 you say you Love me?This is nota lie is sure as a gun!I really love you What time is it now?lt's_______.A.thirty-two past six B.twenty past six C.fifty-five to six D.thirty to six 一道英语选择题,what you unknown now?答案是will be is为什么是is 不是are? 如何安排好英语四级复习? 随着郑州地区旅游业的快速发展,游客对当地旅游纪念品的需求量和需求层次也迅速提升.旅游纪念品的开发,具有提高旅游者的层次,促进旅游目的地经济发展,提高旅游目的地形象等意义.在开 紧急求高手准确的汉译英,不要机器直译,送上全部身家TAT苏格兰,所属洲欧洲,首都爱丁堡,官方语言英语;苏格兰语;苏格兰约有510万人口,苏格兰人是性格粗犷,友好善良的人民,他们 She is always c_____ her money 请问英语四级怎样才能顺利通过?怎么复习较好? 英语四级怎么复习容易通过?重点是多练习哪些板块比较快速、有效些?感觉是不是听力、阅读OK了就基本可以通过了? 为了通过英语四级考试,从现在开始应怎样复习呢?我现在开始都大二了,我的英语四级上学期考过一次了,但差四十多分,过了一个假期回来后,什么都忘了,现在我想这学期过,我买了本全真试题, 用心守候已不属于我的一切,我会一直都在!英文怎么打 爱她的心英文怎么说? He sat there yesterday,thinking of his life.He sat there ,thinking of his life yesterday.两句哪一句对. He slept there,thinking of his life. thinking后面要加of可不可以这样理解:think可以做及物动词但意思是认为. 做不及物动词的意思就是思考 这里很显然意思是思考 可以这样理解吗. He slept there,thinking of his life.这里的thinking后面为什么要加of think不是可以做及物动词吗. 英语中为什么不可数名词前可以加“a”啊 When we __an English movie,the headmaster__past our classroom. 是选择题 选项在下面A watch;walkedBwere watching;was walkingCwatched;was walkingDwere watching;walked麻烦各位高手帮帮忙啊感激不尽啊顺便解释一下谢谢答案是 what possibility_____to take an earlier plane.a is there b there is c it is d is it 选哪个,帮下忙 Excuse me,( )can I buy dumplings?A.which B.what C.where .Jane____to answer the difficult questions that was_____by the teacher.A.rose.raised B.raised…risen C.rose…risen D.raised…raised 医疗纠纷产生的原因 Alaska was purchased by the United States from what country翻译并回答 what--------are you?I come from the USA A、nationality B、state C、country D、home要为什么 What type of thread do you use ? The thread are imported from which country ?这句话是什么意思啊 用as如同造句要中文 求 the line king 的英文故事简介短一些,谢谢 it's anythiing but being easy to understand 这句话语法正确吗 find it easy for you to understand me.把这个句子在find前面加个什么?可不可以是I find it easy for you to understand me .对么?