
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:58:30
谁能帮我分析一下这句话的语法you were gone 或者 he was gone 这里面是be done的形式吗?如果是be done 是属于什么时态么?什么时候用?表示什么呢?=) 一般疑问句中要把many变为any吗我看大家的回答都不一,所以不知道究竟要不要变.比如这句Are there many children in the park?要变为Are there any children in the park? much在一般疑问句中的形式 much是不是用在疑问句里 义卖活动作文怎么写才能写一百分 这到道题杂做 13题杂做? 对一百分的看法的作文,求大神发一篇 800字啊 含有some的句子变一般疑问句是用变成any吗,如果不变句子对吗?many呢? 这道题杂做?快速大家再帮帮.-1的4次方<-3-(-2的3次方)>除以0.5-三分之二的绝对值 有点乱.抱歉.大家写在纸上算一下写的完整点,谢谢 这道题杂做.快速阿.关于先化简再求值.写的完整点.(8ab的平方-1)-3(a的平方b-三分之一)+2(a的平方b-4ab的平方),其中A,B,满足a+1的绝对值+(b-2)的平方=0 孔明借箭的主要内容 求几篇有关军训的日记、总结、心得体会之类的文章字数在600字左右 要求:自己写的 一个两层书架,上层放的书比下层的3倍还多18本,如果把上层的书拿101本放下层,那两层所放的书本数正好相同.原来上、下层各有几本书?(用方程解)用方程解 单词arrive的同义词是什么? arrive there的同义词单词 A Mr.Brown came to see you this morning.为什么用a Mr.Brown而不用the 加强国际间电子商务合作论文怎么写?有写过的麻烦传给我 I want to go to the National Stadium this weekend 对the National Stadium 进行提问 claim demand require request这四个词都有“要求、需要”的意思,它们有什么区别呢?希望能详细说一下. we need a waiter .please write a want ad.-----a waiter A to B for C of D in 选哪一个,为什么 celebrate和congratulate的区别 is **days还是are **days two nouths后面用is还是aretwo mouths ----- quite a long time A be B are C is D was 八年级英语小对话 观沧海由什么字统领 that is what i am talking about. what are the major qualities for contemporary leaders 在一条平直两车道公路上,有甲乙两车同向行驶,甲在前,车速为v1=10米每秒,匀速前进,乙车在后,车速为v2,前面停着一辆丙车,三辆车的车长均为5米,当甲乙两车相距为s1=30米时,甲丙两车相距为s2=50 (Four students are talking about the future after class)(Four students are talking about the future after class).Deng Yu:In 2050,China will be richer than it is now ,Beijing will be getting ready for the 40th Olympic in 2052.We will see the blue 选择正确答案(Four students are talking about the future after class)(Four students are talking about the future after class) .Deng Yu: In 2050, China will be richer than it is now ,Beijing will be getting ready for the 40th Olympic in 2052 The students in the classroom are-----what to do after school.A.talking with B.talking toc.talking in d.talking about