他中等个.He is medium height.这样翻译行吗?希望可以给出准确答案.Thank you very much.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:43:03
他中等个.He is medium height.这样翻译行吗?希望可以给出准确答案.Thank you very much.

他中等个.He is medium height.这样翻译行吗?希望可以给出准确答案.Thank you very much.
他中等个.He is medium height.
Thank you very much.

他中等个.He is medium height.这样翻译行吗?希望可以给出准确答案.Thank you very much.
应该是He is in medium height.或者He is of medium height.


他中等个.He is medium height.这样翻译行吗?希望可以给出准确答案.Thank you very much. “他中等身材”英语怎么说?他是中等身材.可以说成He is of medium height.那么,可不可以不要of,说成“He is medium height.”呢 He is of medium height .=He is medium height .=He has a medium height这是我们老师说的 但是我不懂为什么第二个句子要去掉of 我觉得 .如果去掉他的话,句子就变成了他是中等身材,还有,不要跟我说什么第二 他中等身材英文可以说成He has a medium build吗 he is of medium build他中等身材;she is thin他是瘦的.为什么第一个句子加了of第二个不加呢? 他是中等身材能说成是He has a medium build.快 He is of medium height和he has curly hair .为什么描写中等身材时用is of ,描写头发的时候用have , He is of medium ___(high) he is medium build ,he is of medium build 和 he has medium build 到底哪个正确?是不是都能用? He is of medium height和He is medium height with brown hair为什么第一个句子是is of ,而第二个句子只用is , He is tall and he is o_______ medium build he is of medium build的同义句he ( )( ) ( ) He is medium build 和He is of medium build都对吗 He is medium build.和He is of medium build.区别在哪Why? 英语中He is of medium height. 能改成He is medium height .吗 He is medium hight和He is of medium hight 有什么区别 he is medium hight 和he is of medium hignt 有什么区别 he is of medium build 与he is medium build有什么不一样的地方?